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Sandra : I am a fire that cannot be extinguished. A wo...

Send FREE message to Diva_de_Colombia
  • 47 Jahre alt frau, Sternzeichen: Waage
  • Medellín, Colombia
  • 1 Kind
  • Zuletzt Online: Gestern, 21:30

  • ID: 1001934006
 Vertrauensstufe -  100%
Private Daten und Kontaktinformationen
Persönliche Daten
Geschlecht frau
Kinder 1 Kind
will Kinder haben Ich sage es dir später
Körperbau Attraktiv
Ausbildung Hochschulbildung
Raucher Nein
Trinker(in) Nein
Details der Person die Sie suchen
Ich suche männlich
Ich suche nach einer Altersgruppe 40-70
Ich suche nach der Größe
Ich suche nach Körperbau
Beziehung Ehe, Beziehung, Romantik
I am a fire that cannot be extinguished. A woman who knows what a man wants… and knows how to give it to him, making him thirst for more. I have passion and tenderness, intelligence and sensuality, wildness and sophistication. and my look promises pleasure, and my voice makes the heart beat faster, and her touch - to forget about everything in the world!

I need a real man - strong, confident, who knows what he wants. A man who is not afraid to take control, but at the same time appreciates feminine energy and knows how to respond to it.
Beschreibung eines idealen Partners(einer idealen Partnerin):
🔥The one who does not just talk, but does. The one who can take a punch, who leads, but knows when to give in. He is smart, passionate, caring and self-confident. He loves life as much as I do, enjoys the moment and knows that the best is always created together!

If you are reading this and feel that this is about you... perhaps I am already waiting for you. 🔥💋
DatumTitelBreite x GrößeDauerAnsicht
2025-01-31too hot seniora 1080 x 1920 0:16Ansicht